Lift. Love. Lead.
Lift. Love. Lead.

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Lift Yourself, Love Your Life

Jill takes you on a transformational journey to align your heart, mind, body and soul with love to discover your truth. Love lifts and empowers you to rise to your highest self and live your greatest life. Her unique process dives deep into love to heal the heart, clear the mind, cleanse the soul and balance the body. Her holistic approach dissects love into four major areas of healing (emotional, mental, spiritual and physical) to change your energy, feelings, thoughts and behavior to return you to balance and wholeness. She teaches a simple self-actualization system that helps you navigate self-healing, infinite growth and internal lasting transformation.


Love Is Feeling Truth

My holistic healing structure combines the law of attraction with the law of love to lift and transform you from the inside out. I teach a simple self-actualization system that lifts and aligns your heart, mind, body and soul with love. Love is the highest energy of abundance that will increase your power of attraction, open you to possibility and align you with passion, purpose and potential. You will dive deep into love to heal your heart, clear your mind, cleanse your soul and balance your body. You will learn how to lift and shift your energy, feelings, thoughts and behavior to a higher vibration that will attract abundance and empower you to rise to your highest self.

Let go, Open, Value & Experience

Love is the energy that connects life and flows through your relationship with life.  Life gives you a clear reflection of truth to show you who you’re being and what you’re creating in your life and relationships. Love will return you to wholeness so you can attract a healthy partner, see an abundant reflection and have an enjoyable experience. The power of love will ignite your passion, increase your power of attraction and help you rebuild stronger relationships and connect at a deeper level. It will help you attain financial freedom and grow your wealth and well-being so you can live a large passionate and purposeful life. You will learn how to let go, open and flow with universal truth so you know your value and have the wisdom to live your greatest life.

Leverage, Empower, Act & Design

A business is only as strong and powerful as its people. It takes a winning team to build a successful business. The leader sets the standard at the top and it rolls downhill from there. If a business wants to raise the bar, then the leader must be willing to go first and step up to greatness. In today’s world of instant internet access to keep people accountable, a leader must be authentic, live truth and rise to greatness. A great leader must learn how to lead with love. You will learn how to leverage relationship capital and resources, empower people to achieve excellence, act love to attract abundance and design a business that will lift, love and lead the team and business to its highest potential.

About Jill

Author of two books: Rise of the Real Jill and The 4 Loves, How to Rise & Realize Your Greatest Self, Jill takes you on a transformational journey to align your heart, mind, body and soul with love to discover your truth. Love lifts and empowers you to rise to your highest self and live your greatest life. Her unique process dives deep into love to heal the heart, clear the mind, cleanse the soul and balance the body. Her holistic approach dissects love into four major areas of healing (emotional, mental, spiritual and physical) to change your energy, feelings, thoughts and behavior to return you to balance and wholeness. She teaches a simple self-actualization system that helps you navigate self-healing, infinite growth and internal lasting transformation.

Jill helps you discover your passion, purpose, power and potential to gain more freedom, meaning and joy out of life. She empowers you to rise above fear, need and limitation through transformational coaching, group mentoring, webinars, interactive workshops and events that lift, love and lead you to your highest potential.