Still Standing After Betrayal | Law of Attraction Coach

law of attraction coach

From the Law of Attraction Coach: Life is designed to send storms of betrayal our way to humble us. Just when we think we know it all, life’s storms strip everything away and strike us down. This reminds us that life is the Master Teacher and we are the students. No one is immune to being hurt by a loved one at some point in time. There are lots of people to love, so the odds are that betrayal will rear its ugly head and bear its sharp teeth. Yikes!

Without going into my sob story and spreading pointless dirty details, as a law of attraction coach, I will tell you that I have a first-hand experience of standing strong after a betrayal. It was the kind of betrayal that makes you question the institution of marriage. And leaves you wondering if you will ever be able to trust a girl friend ever again.

When a loved one makes a choice that has a hurtful ripple effect in our life, the first thing we want to do is react. Then, blame them for causing us to live through unnecessary pain. The problem with reaction is that subconsciously we create more pain. The key to battle betrayal is to pause before we react, and act from conscious choice. We always have a choice to align our acts with love and consciously create love in our life.

Time and time again, we are given life’s challenges that test us to rise to a higher level and stand strong. Surviving the storms of betrayal can feel like being forced to stand in six-inch spike heels while hiking up a steep never-ending mountain! For you bad boys out there that can’t relate to this metaphor, go try to force your fat foot into your wife or sister’s favorite pumps and take a walk in a woman’s shoes for a while. You will learn that it takes a lot of power and persistence to push through the pain.

To conquer the battle of betrayal, this law of attraction coach dug up five Words of Wisdom to help you stand strong after a storm of betrayal:

1) Hurt People Hurt People

Somewhere along the way, I learned this golden rule. Whatever is going on outside is a reflection of what’s going on inside. The law of attraction coach words of wisdom: Internal chaotic energy is the source of anger spewed into the external environment. Next time you feel hurt by someone’s actions or words, realize it’s coming from a place of pain.

2) It’s NOT About You

I experienced major pain from a choice made by someone I loved for over twenty years. I had a vested interest in this relationship. And this choice shook the very foundation of my life and literally stripped me of everything. The words I heard were, “Jill, this is not about you.” I thought to myself, “How is it not about me? It’s my life that’s being affected by your choices.” It took a while before I could see beyond the pain and discover the wisdom of Maya Angelo’s words, “when people show you who they are, believe them.” It took almost a year for me to finally see that his choice was not about me.

3) Let Go of Control

One of the hardest concepts to wrap your head around is  “you are only responsible for your YOUniverse.” The law of free agency prevents us from having the right to control or care about others’ choices. The beauty of free will is that we get to choose what we want to create. And the only way to do this is to respect that other people have the same choice. Everyone is on their own spiritual journey living and learning as they go. And we learn different lessons at different times. We don’t know what others want or what’s going to redirect them back on their path. So, we have no business standing on others’ spiritual territory.

“As long as you seek to control, it will control you.”

4) Don’t React to Fear

The subconscious mind is programmed to keep us alive. And remembers pain from the past to warn us that danger is lurking around the corner. But reaction to fear recreates pain and keeps us stuck in the past. Focusing on the past and making decisions based on a “need” to survive disempowers and keeps us attached to people, things or situations. If we want to live at a higher level and thrive in life, we must rise above fear. And make the choice to love every moment.

5) Act Love to Attract Love – the Motto of a Law of Attraction Coach

Conscious choice means taking a deep breath to create a space for choice. If you can embrace the space that we are infinite spiritual beings having a human experience; then you can move beyond the boundaries of need and rise into a higher realm of choice. The great Abraham Maslow taught the hierarchy of needs to help us see that we are required to rise above our primary needs. This is in order to have the choice to follow our heart, make a choice of who we want to become, and experience self-actualization of our highest self. Love opens the door to becoming our highest potential and invites us to act love before we attract love. This means that we must embrace the energy of becoming a loving being if we want to create a loving YOUniverse. For more information on how to ACT love, click here.

As long as the universal law of free agency governs our physical planet, there will always be chaos and betrayal in the external world. So don’t let life’s storms strike you down. Instead, step into my shoes and wear my words of wisdom. This will help you stand strong after a storm of betrayal, even if it means standing in six-inch stilettos.

Betrayed by a loved one? Want to stand strong? Call me at 801-750-6810 or fill out the form below.