6 Life Coaching Tips to Turn Passion into Purpose: Denny and Sandy Brownlee

Prior to signing up for the Daymond John’s Success Formula, Denny and Sandy Brownlee lived in New York, pursuing what they hoped was their ideal careers.  As creatives in the entertainment industry, landing positions like this seemed like a dream come true. Denny spent thirteen years working in radio, and Sandy had a writing career in transmedia and experience design.  But what started as a dream, devolved into a job, drained of passion.  Sandy had been slowly sinking into depression.  Denny was confronted by the corporate world to face a value collision that forced him to take a stand behind his character.  Feeling disconnected from their life of thirteen years, they decided to move to closer to the feeling of family.  They were attracted to the high, energetic creative vibe in Nashville.  They hoped it would help them reinvent themselves for a new chapter.

After they settled into their new apartment, they spent the next few years floundering as freelancers.  Denny took on some small jobs in writing, voice over and acting, and Sandy went back to college and graduated with an MFA in film and creative media.  Jobs were a hit and miss and paychecks were few and far between.  They were swiftly spending their life savings and they desperately needed a new plan.  Since they were both approaching retirement age, they couldn’t find a company that would hire them.  They both started to question their identity and had a strong desire to finish well.

Surfing for answers on FaceBook, Sandy ran across the advertisement promoting the Daymond John Success Formula free seminar.  On a whim, they decided to attend and were blown away with the information they received.  It was the kick in the butt they needed to nudge them down a new path. They were afraid to sign up for the program because they had never been a business owner and didn’t have the mindset of an entrepreneur.  Sandy had a big dream, but she didn’t know how to turn it into reality.  Denny had a tendency to get stuck in the details that can ultimately crush a dream.

They started to realize no one was going to rescue them and they needed to invest in themselves and put their own skin in the game.  Feeling anxious and excited, they took a leap of faith and signed up for the coaching program.  They had nothing but a business idea and their goal was to combine their skills sets to create a business they would both enjoy.

Coming into the coaching program, they needed a coach to help them break down their big vision into baby steps so it wasn’t so overwhelming.  As their coach, I helped them focus on the very next step to keep things simple.  At first, we worked on researching and defining the business model.  They wanted to find a niche in the video entertainment, storytelling industry that would be an authentic fit for them.   Since I had several years of entrepreneurial experience, I was able to help them find the sweet spot between holding onto the big vision and building a realistic business model.

Denny and Sandy struggled with shedding the perfectionistic mindset.  Limited confidence kept them stuck in the planning and preparing phase.  Coaching moved them past the limiting mindset and cultivated confidence.  They were able to see that they had the ability to take action and make things happen.  If they ran into an obstacle, as their coach, I shared my experience, knowledge and gave them resources.  Coaching directed the Brownlees to hire on-line freelancers to create branding and marketing materials.  As a team, we created a tagline describing their service, niche and value in less than ten words.

I coached the Brownlees through developing a website at LivingFamilyStories.com.   Coaching helped them create a strong brand, logo and marketing materials that gave them the image and confidence to start selling.  We designed a marketing funnel to convert contacts into cash, which gave them practical steps to take to build relationships and get out there and sell.  They started practising their pitch and attending networking events to create brand awareness.  Within a few weeks, they got their first job and began shooting a video pilot to get proof of concept.

Denny and Sandy are literally living Daymond John’s message, “Power of Broke.”  They are building their business on pure passion and innovation.  The coaching accountability kept them on task and they learned how to hustle and force themselves forward.  Moving forward, a little every week, helped them see the possibilities of life.  It helped them believe that they could make a difference.  It took a leap of faith and trust in God to lead them down a path to pursue their passion and fulfil their purpose.  One step at a time, they have built a new firm foundation. They are relieved to feel their feet on the ground again.  Fear has dissipated and joy is coming back progressively as they experience the abundance they are creating.

In the end, Denny and Sandy realized that their big “WHY” was important.  They were glad they took the steps to give their dream legs and make it happen.  Their deep desire to create a living legacy moved them to build a bridge between the younger and older generations through multi-media storytelling.  They desired to bring the valuable lessons of ancestors to the younger generation.  Today, they are living their passion and loving their life.

Here are a few Love Your Life Coaching tips to turn your passion into purpose:

Life Coaching Tips to Turn Passion into Purpose:

Life Coaching Tip #1:  Describe Your Vision

The first step is to discover your big vision, passion, skills and niche.  You have to see the big picture first before you’ll be able to see each piece of the puzzle.  Starting with the end in mind will help you see each step you need to take to build the foundation of your business.

Life Coaching Tip #2:  Get Educated

In the beginning, you need to get educated about funding options, setting up business financing and choosing the appropriate corporate structure.

Life Coaching Tip #3:  Complete a Competitive Marketing Analysis

It’s essential to determine niche, products and pricing to make sure there is a demand for your product or service and establish proof of concept.

Life Coaching Tip #4:  Recruit a Dream Team

Identify your strengths and weaknesses.  This will help you see the holes in your power team and brainstorm who you know that might have particular personality types or skills you need on your power team.

Life Coaching Tip #5:  Top 3 SMART Goals

Identify your top three SMART  to make sure they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and have a timetable.  Writing them down will help you make a subconscious commitment to yourself.  Print out your goals and post them on your fridge or bathroom mirror.  Making your goals visual, where you can see it every day and night, will drill your goals into your subconscious mind and keep you accountable.   It’s also a good idea to keep an updated task spreadsheet. Preferably, indicate each task, person delegated and responsible, the next step, status, and due date of each task in the spreadsheet.

Life Coaching Tip #6:  Complete Avatar Target Market Worksheet

Stand in the shoes of your target market and speak your prospect’s language.   You can make a collage out of magazine pictures and words to help identify with your target market.  This right-brained activity will help identify demographics, ideal target markets, lifestyle interests, personality style,  individual behaviors and buying habits.  You need to know your target market because you need to be specific with marketing language, symbols and colors to attract the right prospects.

If you want to start a business and turn passion into purpose, call me at 801-750-6810 to schedule a FREE business consultation or complete the contact form below: