Mind Power | Discover Truth, Get Proof of Who You Truly Are

mind power

Most of us are afraid to face the truth so we don’t want to discover the truth about ourselves. Living a lie happens when we want something that exists on the outside MORE than we want to discover the truth inside ourselves. It’s ironic that whatever happens inside ourself gets projected outside, call it mind power or whatever you will.  Life is the canvas that shows us exactly who we are being and what we are creating in our life. Sometimes, we don’t want to see the truth of what’s happening in our lives, so we tend to blame others and look outside for answers. Yet, the truth is that you are the only expert witness of your life, and it’s up to you to be the detective to discover the truth.

It’s time to face the man in the mirror to see the many ways we hide from truth.

1)  We Hide Bad Behavior

Choosing to live out of integrity is spiritual abuse. The reason we have extramarital affairs and flirt outside of committed relationships is because we want someone else to do our spiritual work for us. We would rather have someone tell us how great we are than to tell ourselves we are great. How can we believe we are being our best if we are telling lies? Or spreading toxic gossip or feeding addictions that control us? We also attempt to use force, control and manipulation to get what we want because we don’t believe we have the ability to create what we want. The truth is that we disempower ourselves by keeping our bad behavior secret because we are ashamed of not living the truth.

“Behavior that harms or hurts is living proof of not living in truth.”

2)  We Hide Physical Abuse

Using your body or letting others use your body is living a lie. Don’t allow others to seduce you into doing something that isn’t in alignment with your truth. The purpose of your body is to be a safe sacred space for your soul to live and love life! Love does NOT equal sex! Sex is not love. It’s just one of the many ways to express love if it comes from a healthy heart. It’s important to respect your body by nurturing and keeping it clean. Putting toxic substances like drugs, alcohol, cigarette smoke or unhealthy food into your body, starving or depriving yourself of sleep keeps you from living a healthy life.  The truth is that your soul is counting on you to take care of it’s home so it can thrive!

4)  We Hide Emotional Abuse

Culture teaches the unwritten rule to be nice to others, but being kind to your self goes unspoken. The emotional war between self and soul cry out for help and show up as hate, anger, judgment, trash talk and limiting beliefs that harm self-worth and even the mind power. How can we have compassion for others if we don’t show compassion for our self? Shouldn’t we start at home by being our soul’s best friend?  What would your best friend do for you? Let your soul do the talking for a while and sit back and listen.  Your soul wants to be seen, heart and validated, so let it have a voice. The truth is that your soul wants a new friend, not an enemy, so start being nice to yourself!

5)  We Hide Money

There are many harmful beliefs around money that stunt spiritual growth and keep us from living in alignment with truth. People hide money in bank accounts from a spouse.  They even keep business deals secret or cash insurance rebates without telling their partner.  Further, people draw money on debit cards and pretend it’s a grocery expense so they have cash to spend on something they want to hide.  People take things they haven’t earned or steal from people behind their back.

A prominent belief that holds us back from creating abundance is the belief that there is not enough money to go around. We hide money because we don’t want to share it or treat others equally. This means we lack the ability to see or respect value in other people.  Let’s face the truth!  The truth is that we lack ability to see our own value, and engaging in this behavior hinders us from fulfilling our potential.

The truth can be discovered if we are brave enough to live truth to get proof of who we really are. Isn’t it time to shed some light on who is the true you? We have a choice to stop hiding from our best self and bring everything into the light. It’s our spiritual responsibility to live with integrity, and the truth will set us free. Thought upon thought, choice upon choice, act upon act, we can choose to build a foundation of truth that will support us to win in the end.

If you want to learn more about how to discover the truth, call me at 801-750-6810 to schedule a private session or complete the contact form below: