Online Life Coach: Achieve Success–You Can Do It!

Online Life Coach

JUST DO IT!   Success is achieved when you believe YOU CAN DO IT! The New Year is just around the corner inviting me to make a New Year’s resolution once again. Ugh! How many times have I made a promise to myself, that “this is the day?” It’s funny how much time I’ve wasted making empty promises to lose weight, exercise or conquer my caffeine addiction. It’s not that I haven’t had good intentions.

The desire to become my best self has been a consistent theme throughout my life. I’ve always taken pride in knowing that I welcome challenge and change. I’ve never been afraid to leave my comfort zone to take on new adventures, to expand my skills, meet different people, and go new places. Expanding my world and bulldozing through life’s hardships gave me a new found confidence and strength to conquer. If I’ve accomplished so much in my life, then what’s standing in the way of being and doing my best? Why can’t I just DO IT?

Positive Musings of an Online Life Coach

Before I can do anything, I must believe that I can achieve.  Believing in myself gives me the confidence and energy to take action to build a new life.  For the past five years, I’ve nurtured a dream of becoming an author, inspirational speaker and an online life coach.  The universe has been kind and patient in teaching me that to become anything, one must “fake it until you make it.”  One doesn’t instantaneously become an author, speaker or an online life coach.  It takes years and lots of practice to become a new character. If you want to change your YOUniverse, you have to change your character. You have to act what you want to attract.

Becoming an Online Life CoachSuccess

A close friend of mine recently challenged me to just focus on taking the first step. I took his advice and started marketing myself as a life coach and an online life coach. Not knowing if I was ready or how things would come together, I started marketing my new career. Within two months, I had attracted six new clients and conducted over a dozen sessions.

Each session shaped me into learning and becoming the online life coach I was meant to be. Sharing my knowledge not only gave me the opportunity to help others, but it gave me the opportunity to witness a new me. Now I can say “today is the day that I am a life coach, an online life coach.” Nike got it right by saying to just do it! If I can do it, YOU CAN DO IT!

If you are ready to rise and be the superstar of your YOUniverse, call me at 801-750-6810 or fill out the contact form below.