Recipe for Love | Real Love is a Mystery: Mothers Have Clues

recipe for love

What is the recipe for love? Real love is a mystery, but mothers have the clues. Mothers are mentors that have mastered real love because they create a little piece of me and spend the rest of their lives nurturing mini-me creations or extensions of themselves. They have the innate ability to know and show love.  It’s fortunate that mothers literally get to experience the complex concept that I am you, you are me, which means we are one.

As creators that give birth to life, mothers inherently assume responsibility for all they create and persistently practice the golden rule that Christ exemplified as compassion saying,

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

The golden rule is a simple sentence and shouldn’t be hard to understand, but for some reason we struggle with it. Here are five simple clues to solve the mystery of real love:

1)  Real Love is a Home for Healing

Love provides a soft safe space for sharing and caring. It withholds judgment and blame, should and shouldn’t, and takes responsibility for keeping a door open and inviting others home to love.

2)  Real Love Always Shows Up

Rain or shine, love shows up every time and says YES to life! It realizes every moment is an opportunity to live and learn so it shows up to validate your existence by saying, “I see you. You matter to me.”

3) Real Love Patiently Listens

It respects space and time and recognizes that it takes two to talk, both a sender and a receiver.  Love doesn’t hog the spotlight by talking loud and over the top, interrupting or cutting someone off because its words are more important.  Love values equality and doesn’t have to be a right-fighter or get in the last word.

4)  Look for Love in Everything

Love sees the big picture of life and appreciates every piece of the puzzle. It accepts all parts of life, the ups and downs, both good and bad, and realizes that everyone does their best with what they know at the time.  Love appreciates the whole spectrum of life and all the colors of emotion, pain and passion, joy and fear, and allows you to feel and express the true you.

5)  Recipe for Love: Real Love Embraces Every Moment

Love stands with open arms to embrace the present moment. It doesn’t focus on what has happened in the past or attach to anything that might take away free choice to be your best.  Love encourages and supports others in fulfilling their highest potential.

Whether or not you are a mother doesn’t matter. Ultimately everyone is Creator of their YOUniverse, which means it’s up to you to take care of your creations. Rather it’s a child, marriage, partnership, business, or an expression of art like a song, dance, painting, book or blog, you would be wise to follow mothers’ clues to solve the mystery of real love.

If you want to learn more about how to solve the mystery of real love, call me at 801-750-6810 to schedule a private session or complete the contact form below: