Love is Calling You this Valentine’s Day: Will You Answer the Call?

Valentine’s Day is approaching to remind us to reach out and answer the call for love.  Can you hear your soul calling you?  Many people refuse to answer the call because they are afraid.  The only reason to be afraid is because we don’t understand love. If you need help, chek out my videos on the recipe 4 love!

Let’s take a closer look at how love evolves through the human experience.  We come into the world as a pure, innocent being full of absolute truth; yet, we are born into an imperfect human worldly environment.  The world becomes our teacher, and over time, we absorb lies to help us survive the cold, hard human environment.

Looking at love from a perspective of lack, transforms love into a contract–where we become dependent on someone else to fulfill its terms.  If there’s something in it for me, then we are willing to negotiate and become needy.  Isn’t that something? Like what you are reading, check out the recipe 4 love content! Let’s look at the lies we tell ourselves as well!

I need:

  • Cool clothes to help me fit in

  • A lofty career to lift me up above others to compete

  • Financial security because I’m insecure

  • Sex to feel complete because I don’t know my soul

  • Approval and admiration to build up my ego

As long as we live these lies, we stay locked inside a painful prison.  The only way out is to open the door and answer the call. Love is whole, absolute truth standing right in front of you!  It’s calling you because it wants to come in and play.  Love is designed to flow through you, in and out of you, giving and receiving.  The whole truth is love has two parts – giving and receiving.  The beauty of the balanced equation is that when we give, we also receive.  Giving is the key that unlocks the door to let love in!

There is no reason to be afraid anymore because we solved the equation: Love = giving + receiving. This Valentine’s Day I invite you to give yourself the gift of love and let love flow through you.  If you need help answering the call and would like to know more about the recipe 4 love, call me at 801-750-6810 to schedule a private session or complete the contact form below: