Unleash the Power Within: Gratitude–Let’s Get in the Mood!

unleash the power withinIt’s time to get in the mood for gratitude and unleash the power within. Life has a funny way of working. Sometimes life gives you things you don’t want and pulls your mood into a bad attitude. You might be required to give up precious time or energy to help someone. Something may show up to question your priorities and invite you to refocus your energy. You might be too close to a situation to see any fortune in the misfortune. You might even start to question,

“Is life happening to me or for me?”

As many of you know, I’ve had a lot of changes in the past year. I’ve had to adjust to accept life’s little gifts and let love in. I was given a divorce, a new home and had to learn a new job to support me.  I’m starting a new business to kick off my new career. I was fortunate enough to find a new boyfriend that moved into my home,  He brought with him a beautiful nine-year-old daughter and a dog. It hasn’t been easy.  I’ve learned to trust that life knows what’s best for me.

To put you in the mood this Thanksgiving season, here are 3 tips to turn your attitude into gratitude:

1)  GIVE

Someone or something, has shown up for you for a reason. Don’t hesitate! Reach out and give even if it hurts. It might feel awkward at first, but giving gets easier the more you do it. The next time you get the opportunity to give, just do it! And you will unleash the power within and get the ball rolling for good things to come your way in unexpected ways!

2)  PLAY

Play pulls you into the present moment. If you’ve been through a rough time, find someone to play with or something to play. Call up a friend, take your partner to dinner or a movie, make cookies for the neighbor, read an inspiring story, play a musical instrument, sing your favorite song, do a little dance, pick up a pen and write or paint a picture. Life is your playground, start playing!


Where your focus goes is what grows! As the creator of your YOUniverse, you have the power to create what you want. Focus on what feels good and watch your goodness grow. Step into your potential to witness your greatness and be a love creator.

November’s challenge is to take these three simple steps.  If you need help turning your bad attitude into gratitude or help to unleash the power within, call me at 801-750-6810 to schedule a private session or complete the contact form below: